Watch! Part 2 Two Men Having Sex In The Pulpit Of The Church Where The Guy On His Knees Father Is The Pastor!!!

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Everything Is Going Down, But The Word Of God……Well, the guys moved from the front row of the church to the pulpit.  Seems to be far more to this story than just sex.  In the first video you can hear the man being serviced say he is in the guys father’s church and in his chair now he is in his pulpit.  The person recording seems to be the man being serviced and he is going out of his way to make it abundantly clear and obvious that he is with the pastor’s son and in his church.  Rumors are that this is coming out of Marshall, Texas and a small holiness church.  The two men that we believe are in the sex tapes have taken all their social media pages down.

Obnoxious Media has serious questions and we need answers:  The boy on his knees in his father’s church seems to be special needs.  Although, he is overweight and out of breath due to the hard work he is putting in to please his man he seems to not be well.   His responses sounds as if he is developmentally delayed.  The man getting serviced is going out of his way to make a point that he is in the church and belittling the pastor’s son.  Obviously this is personal and deliberate based upon the commentary alone. Proverbs 14:34, we read, “Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people.”  These men have brought a reproach to the church.  Well, at least it happened during PRIDE month, but they should be ashamed.  This is a damnation to the church.  It is not funny, it is not a joke, and it is not something to be proud of one bit.

There is no standard!  Anything goes now.  The come as you are, do not judge me has brought us to this point!

Obnoxious Media has obtained photos of the man being serviced by the pastor’s son is allegedly Dothan Frazier photographed below:

The pastor’s son that is clearly mentally challenged and on his knees performing oral sex much longer than he has ever been on his knees praying is allegedly named Dakota Pea.  He should have been on his knees crying and begging God to take this foul demonic spirit from him rather than submitting whole heartedly to it.

Obnoxious Media would like your assistance in finding out every detail on the tow of these men.  We need details on the church, the pastor, and all there is to know of the two men that would be this bold.

Update from a member of my Obnoxious Street Committee below:

Can you believe the pastor’s son giving Oral sex in the pastors chair is COGIC?  The dad has been at this church for one year serves under Supt. Jerry Reese New Sweet Home church Tatum Texas and District Missionary Jesse Johnson.  I believe they are in Texas East Bishop R.L. Nichols Transferred from David Houston jurisdiction but was originally from Texas East.

Watch the two men have sex in the pulpit of the church below:

Click these links to see the video!



Watch the two men have sex in the pastor’s chair below:

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