WATCH! Outburst At Overseer Kenneth Moales, Jr’s Church Cathderal Of The Holy Spirit!!!

Everything Is Going Down, But The Word Of God……According to members of my Obnoxious Street Committee one of the elders that seems to have gotten to close for comfort with a fellow member of the church daughter. Kenny made the bad decision to address the matter over the pulpit. Although, he did not call any names some fellow members knew who and what he was referring to and all hell broke loose. The daughter and women who allegedly was involved with the elder that got disrespected went off when Kerny addressed the matter from the pulpit. The story has gotten confused and people are thinking the woman’s daughter was involved with Kenny but she actually was sleeping with the elder Kenny tried to defend. Seems he should not have said anything or this outburst would not have happened. Kenny got heated and attempted to embarrass the woman and say she was to broke to holler out in his church and cast the Ho Spirit out of her as they physically removed her from the church!

Kenny’s mother Peggy Moales passed and was the last covering he had that kept the church and family in lien.  It seems that since her death rumors of financial issues with the church and family has become dysfunctional and might prove to be more than what Kenny is ready to handle.  During a phone conversation Kenny shared that he simply wanted to address the matter of not allowing members to disrespect elders at Cathedral Of The Holy Spirit or talk to them publicly in an inappropriate manner.  The members daughter did not have much respect for the elderdue to their personal relationship.  Kenny’s attempt to cover his elder that was in error and sin went all wrong.  After the altercation he announced that he would be at a particular diner and would speak to anyone that had issues with what he did and said at that time.  According to Kenny only one person showed up and the musician that recorded the altercation came to him and apologized and said he would resign and leave the church.  Kenny told him that  he did nothing wrong or malicious and he would like him to stay.




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