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Everything Is Going Down, But The Word Of God……Well, I did a live on the last night of the Church Of God In Christ AIM Convention and it seems to have gotten a huge response. However, the trash pictured above has taken still photos of various facial expressions and posted on his Social Media with negative comments. Now no one and I repeat no one out dresses me in style and they certainly do not rock designers like I do, but constantly have something negative to say. This man has the nerve to post my photo and say cancer. Now I went through his entire page and there is a great deal I can say about him and those things that should be in cages that he calls family.
The fat trash actually wants to call himself a chef, which I hear is more like a short order cook that does not even do that well. The trash is from Philadelphia and seems to have a lot more cooking behind closed doors than food. If you are going to insult someone at least have your basic stuff together before you do. Obnoxious Street Committee Get all the dirt you can on this troll so I can gladly report it since he wants to get in a fight and he knows not who or what he is dealing with at all!
Be sure to watch the live!