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Everything Is Going Down, But The Word Of God……Terica Carlisle lashes out on Facebook that her ex-husband is gay. She says she kept quite for three years to save face for the church until today. You can read her post for yourself and how she exposes him on Social Media. It seems the post was deleted within an hour, but not before it was screenshot and passed around. Now is it his fault or is it her fault for not listening to the countless wornings that she ignored and went forward with the marriage anyway.
So what happened that has caused Terica to go public the day before Thanksgiving? The embarrassment and humiliation she has lived with while suffering in silence has been launched back on the young Pastor she once called her husband. In her post she goes on to say he had sex with countless numbers of guys and she has proof. Allegedly he sent his signed divorce papers to one of his male lovers to prove his commitment to them instead of his ex-wife and ministry.
Obnoxious Media will not reveal the name of her ex-husband’s mother, who was recently Consecrated as a Presiding Bishop of the organization they are apart. Seems this will be the subject of so many conversations around the dinner table on tomorrow. We have reached out to all parties involved to get their side of the story, but have yet to hear back. It was only after we discovered it was out on other pages we moved forward with out story.