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Everything Is Going Down, But The Word Of God……Well before he could get moved to Atlanta and settled in as the new pastor of the late Eddie Long’s church Jamal is living up to the name New Birth already. It seems that according to a status posted by Tenola Cheri she implies that she is expecting a baby by Jamal Harrison Bryant. According to her Facebook page she is a minister that says she is called to minister to men and work with single mother’s raising sons. However, now she might be the very example of what she has been talking about in her books and sermons. In a status that has since been taken down she says that she is spreading like butter, but she is getting big because a baby is on the way. Tenola says LITTIE JHB is on the way then she says Jamal Harrison Bryant now she does not directly come out ans say he is the father, but she certainly leads you to believe he is the father of the child she is expecting. Now it cannot get much clearer and it is coming directly from her in her post. The self published author seems to follow Jamal’s ministry and promotes him on her page she has even shared some of his live videos with her own message of all that is coming with this baby.
If this is true what will this mean for Jamal before he starts his new assignment at New Birth. One of the things up until now is Jamal has not had any accountability due to his starting his own church and the protection of his father, a bishop in the AME Church. In spite of all his scandals Jamal still landed the Megachurch as the next chapter in his life. Jamal seems to have nine lives and always lands on his feet. Just two years ago we here at Obnoxious Media broke the story and the DNA test that LaToya Oden son, John was fathered by Jamal Harrison Bryant and he landed a hosting gig on the talk show Preachers. Fox seemed to even like the idea that he had name recognition and scandal to boost rating. Now even with all the negative publicity surrounding his name he still managed to land one of the most sought after churches in the country. No matter how ratchet Jamal is he still seems to convince people to look the other way. Will New Birth and he so called board look the other way or will they call the new pastor on the carpet? It seems that no one cares about basic morals and integrity anymore in church and no matter how ratchet your preacher or pastor is we make excuses and allow him to continue to operate. In fact it was Jamal that ushered the Spirit of Absalom into the church. Operating in a Spirit Of open rebellion and wrote a book and made money off of it. Obviously Jamal has a sex addiction and needs to go to rehab! So let’s watch and see how this plays out.
Read the Interview with LaToya Oben broken by Obnoxious Media below:
During a number of text messages, LaToya Odom, revealed she had been the lover of two well known preachers; and nine months ago, she gave birth to the son of one of them. It was in Wilmington, Delaware, while at a church conference hosted by Bishop Greg Davis that LaToya met Jamal Harrison Bryant. Hired by Bishop Greg Davis to be the on-site massage therapist during his event and his back-and-call “Jump-off”. You read it correctly! Greg Davis, according to LaToya, paid her for sex and took care of her for over a year while he was still married and pastoring in Wilmington. Jamal Harrison Bryant, the founder and pastor of Empowerment Temple in Baltimore, Maryland, is regularly called on to give his insight by media outlets and has been vocal surrounding issues of Civil Rights, Black Lives Matter, and anything that will afford him a photo op in the press. Most recently his ex-wife, Jazel Bryant, has been seen talking about him candidly on Bravo’s Real Housewives franchise. The recent NAACP Image Award Winner, according to LaToya, quickly made a move on her after she gave him a relaxing massage that provoked an erection of his penis. (Wonder what kind of massage therapist she really is?!). After waking him, she noticed the great preacher, who was only wearing a pair of boxer briefs was hard as Chinese Arithmetic when he pressed his manhood against her and started kissing her. This was the only their first meet. The two became friends and would frequently text each other and discuss a variety of topics, which made LaToya think there could be something more with her and Jamal than just sexual partners. (Apparently, she is clueless how the game works. Because he is exchanging texts, doesn’t mean he likes you. He is just feeding you bone to keep you nearby.)
Time passed when LaToya Odom began to change her life. While being a member of Bishop Paul Sylvester Morton’s church, her GodMother, who was also a member, mentored LaToya and she recommitted her life to Christ. Knowing it was more to her than the sexual gratification of men, she accepted her call to the ministry. It was then that LaToya reconnected with Jamal after being celibate for three years. While he was in Atlanta on a preaching engagement, LaToya went to his service and he connected with him after church to give him another one of her infamous arousing massages. Trying to actually be friends with Jamal, LaToya asked him to mentor her in ministry and teach her the art of good preaching. Anything to be connected to some good sex, Jamal quickly accepted her request. Undressed again for one of LaToya “massages”, he disrobed down to his boxer briefs. After this massage, Jamal didn’t find it necessary to clothe himself, and made it clear he wanted to spend more time with his once lover and asked if he could “chill” at her place. It was at that time LaToya asked him to watch the DVD of her preaching her trial sermon and critique her. Laying on the couch half naked and cuddling with LaToya, they watched the sermon and discussed the things she did well and how she could make improvements then he made his move again. After abstaining for three years, it did not take much for LaToya to get in the mood. Needless to say, Jamal connected his erect penis to her moist vagina, and screwed her on a white rug and ruined it in the process. The good AME preacher and son of the Presiding Bishop of the oldest organized black church in America can never say no to sex, apparently, as history has told us. The past year and half has been extremely rough for LaToya Odom because she told Jamal Harrison Bryant she was expecting his child. The once friend and “f*ck buddy” got really harsh and nasty with LaToya and immediately told her he did not want it and demanded she have an abortion that he happily sponsor. LaToya seemingly wanted the baby for validation to lend credence that she was more than a just a church whore that was being passed around like a blunt on 04/20. Jamal, after a couple of days had passed, pleaded with LaToya to have an abortion because having this baby could ruin him (not thinking what it could possibly do to her or her body). The troubled pastor confessed that he was not sure he could survive another hit like this and needed for her to abort the baby. Jamal went into his survival mood and began to implement a plan to deal with the LaToya problem similar to how he approached Carlyon King, mother of Brian Carn’s son with $10,000 dollars in cash to go away. LaToya confided to her Godmother who is also close to First Lady Debora Morton about the pregnancy, and the word got back to the First Lady of the Full Gospel Baptist Fellowship, and she quickly distanced herself from LaToya. According to LaToya, Jamal’s close friend and former girlfriend called him and encouraged him to do the right thing and take care of his son.
Well, instead of taking the advice of his friend, Jamal Bryant solicited the assistance of his friend, convicted felon, Luther McKinstry. To approach LaToya with a cash payoff and gag order. Luther has other things he should concern himself with e.g., staying out of prison (pictured below with his good friend Bishop Young Boy Booty Licking Eddie Long, who he just preached for this past Sunday). Jamal requested and paid for a paternity test and is in fact the father of his one and only son (that we know of). He also agreed to pay his standard $1,100 a month for child support that all of his children baby mamas get for rearing his children. The issue is, he is inconsistent in paying his child support and refuses to be a father figure to his only son while rallying Black Lives Matter Campaigns and speaking out against the injustices of Black Men. It is even more disturbing because Jamal lives in a mansion, drives a Bentley, and wears designer clothes while the mother of his only son lives in a rented room in Atlanta and has to use Über as a means of transportation. Jamal Harrison Bryant is not worthy to take a dog to the dog pound let alone pastor a church or attempt to be any type of so called leader in the community. It is ironic that Jamal would attempt to defend Brian Carn on a Spritual matter and he had this going on in his backyard the entire time.
Well instead of doing right he solicited the assistance of his friend, convicted felon Luther McKinstry, now so called preacher to approach LaToya with a cash payoff and gag order to never come forward with the truth about her son. Luther needs to stop trying to threaten people with his past three visits to prison (pictured above with his good friend Bishop Young Boy Booty Licking Eddie Long, who he just preached for this past Sunday). Jamal requested and paid for a paternity test and is in fact the father and has only agreed to pay $1,100 a month, which is said to be the same amount all his other Baby Momma’s get a month. However, he has not consistently paid that amount nor will he see or have anything to do with his son. Jamal lives in a mansion, drives a Bentley, and wears designer clothes while the mother of his lives in a rented room in Atlanta and has to take Über as a means of transportation. Jamal Harrasion Bryant is not worthy to take a dog to the dog pound let alone pastor a church or attempt to be any type of so called leader in the community. It is ironic that Jamal would attempt to defend Brian Carn on a Spritual matter and he had this going on in his backyard the entire time.