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Everything Is Going Down, But The Word Of God……So it is official Jamal will be the Senior Pastor of New Birth Missionary Baptist Church. The son of a AME bishop is leaving the denomination that stood with him in the mist of all of his scandals and the church he founded to make a move to end the stress of money. Members of my Obnoxious Street Committee say that Empowerment Temple has lacked impact for some time now and that the lights and water has been on and off recently on a regular basis. New Birth will not allow him to travel as much as he has in the past, but he will not need to go on the road as much now he has a solid base.
Not all of New Birth members were pleased with the decision and some left out rather angry after Ellis made the announcement. One lady who does not want her name mentioned said when you google his name not one positive thing comes up. She when on to say we have been through enough and why would they pick him. Now members had no say in who the new pastor would be and it was totally the Board’s decision. Ellis was not bad enough to rope-a-dope New Birth for himself like Paula White did with Zackery Times church so he had to hand pick someone he can will his influence over. Ellis will always be able to hold it over Jamal’s Head the he gave him a second chance.
Jamal is greeted by members of New Birth in a reception of cake and punch after the announcement.
Ellis is going to consecrate Jamal as a bishop and certainly it will in sure New Birth will be in the fellowship of rejects that he started when Full Gospel told him to kick rocks when Paul Morton stepped down. Shameful Ellis will consecrate Mickey Mouse or Donald Duck to keep his little Fellowship alive. However, all are deserving of a second chance so is nice for rejects to have a place to go. The world had rehab and now the church has Ellis. One thing is for sure Jamal can preach and the people are going to flock to here him. When he hollers preach black man the men and women are going to come running and ratchet is in style. Jamal make his ratchetness work for him and it makes people feel they can relate. After all it was the advice of a once close friend and fellow Morehouse Brother (Sir William) that advised him to get ahead of the story and tell it himself. Bishop Jamal Harrison Bryant does not even sound for real, but it is going to happen. Single, bastard children, sex tapes, and rock star like behavior will be elevated and all the rest will be damned!
New Birth members enter the reception for their new pastor