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Everything Is Going Down, But The Word Of God……You all know Brian Carn is the gift that just keeps on giving. We here at Obnoxious Media have reported on his Bastard Babies, his repeated the words of a witch word for word, his being sued for not paying for use of a pages Of text messages he exchanged with a young lady named Ashley out of Houston. Seems this guy is truly troubled and needs some serious spiritual guidance that he is desperately lacking. Recently he has opened a church due to the lack of invitations to travel and spread more lies and false prophesies.
However, this time he might have been taken advantage of by someone that tried to expose him. Pierre Whitlow went public about Brian screwing his wife only after he threatened him and asked for money to not go public. Now it seems that Pierre hands are not totally clean in this matter and that he wanted a hunk and a chunk of money to be quite. Brian is a cheap bastard and will not pay even if it would have somewhat kept him with a good name, as if that is possible at this point. Brain listens to the ill advise of Jamal Harrison Bryant that constantly makes him look stupid and slowly destroying his ministry. According to Carl Peterson Brian fired everyone on staff at his ministry due to his lack of funds to pay staff. Carl said he lied and said it was so he could focus on his church, But the money is not flowing like it was in the the past. Who is inviting him to come and preach as of late and two years ago he was embarrassed at the Church Of God In Christ (COGIC) AIM Convention when he was asked to come down off of the platform and sit in the congregation.
Read the email below sent to Obnoxious Media about Pierre Whitlow:
I have proof that Whitlow asked Prophet Carn for $100,000.00 or he would start making videos. He even said that he was told by some Lawyer that I could get as much as $1,000,000.00. In another Facebook messages he said if you just give me 40,000.00 he would accept that when Prophet Carn wouldn’t agree to even talk to him, because it was all a lie. Everybody around Prophet Carn told them to press charges, but he didn’t want to because he knew Pierre needed money for your family.
His reason for asking for less was because he just wanted to get out of town and start a new life. Now does that sound like something a man would say “IF” his wife cheated on him? Its now in the hands of the Police Dept . When his 1st wife that he claims cheated on him with their Pastor, posted something on his page and bottom line she said this is not what you want, because he is a liar and just want to con this man out of money. That is when Pierre stop making Face Book live videos, He even took the video above down, it was just downloaded by so many other people and put on youtube.
When Pierre said that Prophet reads the envelops, people take the offers to the front behind him so how is he able to read their envelops. This video makes me sick and to have your wife sitting there play crying just like you.
Pierre Whitlow needs to be careful who he shares your Facebook message conversations with because everybody is not your friend, This was sent to me by someone close him and Kevia I also saw the nude pictures you sent Prophet Carn, I guess when he didn’t accept your advances, you and Whitlow made up this lie.
Pierre came to Charlotte because he kept calling everybody close to Prophet Carn begging for money, and asking them to call Prophet Carn, saying he didn’t have any money and thought it was only fair that Prophet Carn pay him out of his contract. Why would Pierre do something like this when Prophet Carn paid his rent, water bill, lights, brought groceries and milk for his baby, and Pierre asked Prophet for a salary that was enough money to pay his child support for the 8 or more children Pierre has because he is always behind on his child support. How can Pierre have his DNA when Prophet never gave his DNA? Dose he watch The Maury Show?
Notice you have to have DNA from both parties under the supervision of Law Enforcement or someone with the testing center, to confirm who the DNA belongs to. Attached is the screenshot of Pierre asking Prophet Carn for money. Also attached is a post his first wife put up on his wall last Saturday when he was going to do another video. Once she posted this he deleted it and the videos and we haven’t heard anything else from him.
I have a recorded message where Pierre calls Prophet and tell him that I know you have been sleeping with my wife, and when Prophet Carn ask Kevia if she told her husband that she reply, “That is what he (Pierre) said we did.” Which means it never happen.
At this point Prophet couldn’t stop the investigation if he wanted to because it’s now in the states hand. When Pierre tried to extort Prophet Carn out of money and communication threats, Prophet Carn was in NC and Pierre was in FL which makes it a federal case. You can go to Mecklenburg County and look up the report. There are 2 Detectives that are working on this because he is a high profile individual that don’t take this likely because people have come fore and said that he would put a bullet in Prophet Carn head. Send me an email at and I can send you the screen shot of him asking for $100,000.00 and his first wife post.
I wish you can get this story out.
Below you will find the original post to my blog about Brian Carn’s latest sexual escapades:
Email me your story to now! Follow me on Facebook William G. McCray III and with William G. McCray III on Twitter , Instagram , Periscope to watch my live viedos and to keep up on the latest!!! CashApp
Everything Is Going Down, But The Word Of God……Brian Carn Exposed! Seems Brian Carn has screwed the wife of the man he relocated to Charlotte to be his Music Director. Read the email sent to me by a friend of the man’s wife below:
All of the pastors in the above photo must feel really stupid now for standing with Brian Carn three years ago when Brian Carn was exposed right here on Obnoxious Media Blog for repeating the perditions of a physic Word for Word. Brian said the God gave him the prophecy for the church. Obnoxious Mediahas Exposed his questionable behavior countless times before with his five bastard children, being sued for not paying for the use of a private jet, and his false prophesies. However, it seems he is constantly invited to preach. Obnoxious Media assisted in packing out his 48 Hours Of Prayer when this false prophet used the story as a way to draw thousands saying he waould address the scandal at his 48 Hours Of Prayer, But you know he never did nor repented.
Obnoxious Media has known for years that Brian Carn was a Sleaze Bag and we he connected with Benny Henn after his falling out with Manasseh Jordanit was the beginning of the end. Brian Carn is a shipwreck that none of the elders can reach to get him back on the right track.
Hello Mr. McCray. Keep your eyes glued. My friend and her husband were moved to Jacksonville, FL by Brian Carn. He made her husband the Music Director of KCC “Kingdom City Church” and while her husband was traveling back home to get his kids for spring break Brian Carn called her and called himself ministering to her on the phone because he “felt her heavy in his spirit” she’s kinda new to the church thing and this wolf had the nerve to tell her he needed to stop by and pray with her that very moment. Her husband was out of town but because Brian Carn was paying the rent and her husbands salary she didn’t think it would be a problem. This fool came to the home while their little daughter was sleep and talked with her before eventually touching her and then groping her. He pretty much manipulated the shot out of her and told her it was okay. Before she knew it they were fucking. He contacted her almost every day for a few weeks trying to plan to see her again until she told her husband.
When he confronted Carn he flipped out and acted stupid. Well the husband has the FB messenger conversations, a picture of him leaving the building late late that night March 29th/30th and a string of recorded calls.
Brian Carn fired him to get rid of him and tried to serve him a cease and desist letter to threaten him if he mentioned Carn or KCC.
Just giving you a heads up. He is going to take Carn down so be ready. Consider this a anonymous tip.
Just giving you a heads up. He is going to take Carn down so be ready. Consider this a anonymous tip.
I want that lying, manipulating, so called prophet to go down
He’s got them not even really talking to each other. Marriage on the rocks bc the husband can’t get the right of what Carn did it off his head smh!!!!!!
Somebody has to stop Carn!!!!
According to members of the Obnoxious Street Committee close to the situation Pierre Whitlow’s first wife cheated on him with a pastor he played for that ultimately caused that marriage to dissolve.
Watch Pierre Whitlow‘s Facebook Live with his wife confessing below: