Kierra SHEARD’s Ex-Fiancé Has A Bastard Child Following In The Detroit Footsteps Of Dedrick Hadden And Marvin Winans!!!

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Everything Is Going Down, But The Word Of God meets Obnoxious Babies R Us……Well, another one bites the dust.  Obnoxious Media learned some time ago that Welton Smith had a Bastard child.  The phone was ringing off the hook with calls out of Detroit.  It seems that is was a huge secret that he was trying to keep hidden.  However, he did not have the money nor the know how to keep this story contained.  The only reason why we know him is because he is the ex-fiancé of Kierra Sheard.  Seems he hung around COGIC a minute and took his Daddy’s Baptist church in and out of his would have been father-in-law, Drew Shared’s jurisdiction.  Not to mention that was good enough to get him a stage in the Revival Fire late night service.  Not sure  why they felt the need to go outside of the denomination to get homosexuals and whore mongers to preach when we have plenty of our own.

Dude went on Social Media and made a lame excuse that you can read for yourself.  Additionally, he says he sat himself down for thirty days.  Big deal he should have sat his sinning tail down for a year or Hell give up pimping off the church and get you a 9 to 5 so you can pay child support and get medical coverage for that bundle of sin you brought into the world.  He is following in the steps of his big brother Dedrick Haddon and Marvin Winans who both have Bastard children that ruined their marriages.  Dedrick lost his church and his wife and Marvin’s wife got up and walked out of his church and never stepped foot back in there until her mother died.

It is sad and sticking that these men make church look like total BS and that no one gives a damn anymore.  Don Shelby might have done the best thing when he made his daughter have an abortion rather then deal with the open shame before God and the church.  Welton needs to stop it and sit down and shut the Hell up and get a job and pull his pops out of retirement.  Now this would have been a real shocker if Kierra had his kid.  It would have killed Karen and Willie Mae would have had to surly take to the bed like she did when J. Drew had his kid.  In case you did not know Obnoxious Is Back and coming with a vengeance!

Read Welton Smith, Jr.’s confession below:

Learning new things! I’m in the best season of my life! This is a declaration I just recently had to start making over my life in order to move on with my life! It didn’t feel like it at all while it was happening but then God left me a son! The moment he was born the conviction of my life changed immediately!
One of the most difficult but necessary things I’ve ever had to do was publicly address a sin of mine that I didn’t want anyone to know! But I feel that leaders OWE explanations to people that they lead!
So I sat myself down for over 30 days because regardless to the turn of culture and trends, this IS NOT the ORDER of God! However, God had to teach me that my son isn’t a penalty… he actually is a promise! God blesses us even while He’s correcting us!
His mom is one of my best friends and helping me raise an incredible man that’s better than me! My love and honor for her will always be as strong as it is for him! This season made me value family more than I ever have before!
Some told me not to say much about him..but how is that possible and still call myself a man?! I can’t be a man and I definitely can’t be a preacher if I can’t raise my own son! That’s whack and weak!

When Adam made his mistake he went and hid behind the tree..when Jesus dealt with our mistakes He hung from the tree! In the moment of my greatest shame Holy Sprit whispered to me and said “don’t hide behind what you’re supposed to hang from”
I’ve heard the feed back of the foolish, heard prophecy that was actually heresy and seen many selfishly make my circumstance about them. But I won’t hide my son from the world that he was born to change to appease anybody!

So on the other side of this I can honestly say I’m stronger than I’ve ever been, more determined and focused than I’ve ever been and feel dumber than I’ve ever felt while I’m learning why he won’t stop crying! Lol

Tonight is bible class.. I’ll be teaching “The Strong Side” and if you can still hear the word from a vessel that makes mistakes… I’ll see you there! If not, I completely understand & there are many leaders who can lead you in the right direction! But if you’re still following me, I’ll see you soon! 😎

About obnoxioustv


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