Blowing a whopping $28,000 dollars to make it “rain” at the strip club qualifies for a Morning Mess inclusion as far as we’re concerned.
And since rapper Fabolous and actor/comedian Kevn Hart are the guilty ones, er benefactors, we thought we’d bring you the details (and photos), courtesy members of Mr. Obnoxious Street Committee of course.
These pictures are insane — rapper Fabolous lived up to the phrase “make it rain” better than ANY rapper in recent memory this week … unleashing a $28,000 downpour at an Atlanta strip club … and we got the pics.
The moneystorm took place Wednesday night at a new strip joint called Diamonds — where local radio personality Kenny Burns was throwing a party — and shocker … Fab brought along a truckload of cash.
Also making it precipitate — comedian Kevin Hart, who we’re told dropped $7,000 on butt-in-the-face action.
The cash tornado got so out of control — a layer of money even settled on the club chandelier.
For more photos, click HERE. Be warned, even though they’re censored like the one below, some are more revealing. Remember, it’s a strip club. Hello! It is so sad that these rappers think it is fun to be a trick!
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