Kim Zolciak Has Been Caught Lying About Being Evicted!

Uh oh, it looks like somebody’s been caught in a lie. Kim has been busted and court documents ave been obtained to prove she does not pay Eric rent!
That somebody would be Kim Zolciak
Zolciak is embroiled in a verbal war with her landlord, Kendra Davis.
As we reported earlier, Davis has said she’s trying to evict Kim because she has no right to live in the house and won’t pay rent.
For her part, Kim insisted she’s paid every cent of the rent and the lease was still in effect.
But there’s a smoking gun and it’s pointed at Kim, according to Reports.
According to the lease, either Kendra or Kim had a right to terminate the lease by giving written notice 30 days before May 30. If no one gave notice, the lease would be extended beginning in June on a month-to-month basis.
But here’s the deal … Someone did give 30 days notice — AND IT WAS KIM AND HER HUBBY!! Take a look at Kroy Biermann’s email to the landlord dated March 29, 2012. So the lease officially terminated May 30 — so she lied to us when she said it was still in effect.
It’s now June 5 and Kim and Kroy are still in the house. Under the lease, they’re considered squatters — i.e., illegal tenants — and the lease says they are required to pay $600 for every day they illegally stay. The landlord says they haven’t paid $600 a day, so it appears Kim also lied to us when she said she was totally current on rent.
The landlord gave us a letter that she sent Kim and Kroy today … telling them they’re in the house illegally and must vacate immediately, and if they don’t she’ll see them in court.
We’ve called Kim — so far, no response.
Cue the “Liar, Liar House on Fire” song.

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Previous "Real Housewives Of Atlanta" Kim Zolciak Denies Getting Evicted!